Thursday, November 5, 2009


Well, after getting some tips from Juli (braid UNDER not OVER) I gave cornrows an attempt! Here it is - they are short, loose, and messy but I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I need to practice. Matea's hair was damp when I braided it today, I think dry would be easier, but I have no idea really. She was a pretty good sport which was helpful because it sure took me long enough to do these. I am excited to continue practicing - hopefully I'll get good at this and we'll have another go-to hairstyle that'll last a long time!

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katie said...

Way to go Katie! This is a big deal, and I am very very impressed. I think that you'll keep getting better and better at it. I'm excited for you.

jodi said...

It looks great!! Congratulations and I'm glad Matea was a pretty good sport....that's a hard gig for a toddler. Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Becky said...

Looks good, Katie! You did a great job with it. I am sure it will get easier and easier each time you do it. Great pictures!

Thompson's said...

Way to go! You'll be an expert before long;-)